Handprint Vs. Footprint
It’s not (only) about being “less bad” any more. Yes, less bad (reducing your footprint) is still very good! But there’s even more we can do, because of the ways that we’re all connected. We can also help and influence others in relation to their footprints. The positive change you create in the world is called your handprint. When you shrink your footprint, you’re “taking less.” And when you grow your handprint, you’re “giving more.” Our goal is ultimately to give more than we take, for ourselves, each other, and the planet. This campaign helps you get to know Handprinter, our new tool for giving more than we take!
0 of 5 actions completedFinished 5 years ago
Campaign Impact
Handprint Vs. Footprint has been going for 1494 days
The total impact of the campaign based on taken actions by all participants. Keep up the good work:)
total participants
0finished participants
0actions taken