Sustainable Eating
Austin Lear completedMeatless Mondays action.
4 years ago
Lauren Pierson completedSupport a local restaurant and other actions.
4 years ago
Zachary Schiavo completedPack vegan snack and meals action.
4 years ago
Alicia Rodríguez completedBring a reusable water bottle with you rather than purchase bottled water and other actions.
4 years ago
Pankhori Arora completedChoose a veggie burger action.
4 years ago
Austin Lear completedChoose tap water instead of bottled water and other actions.
4 years ago
Claudia Aleman completedPack vegan snack and meals action.
4 years ago
Zachary Schiavo completedEat less meat action.
4 years ago
Claudia Aleman completedCompost kitchen scraps and other actions.
4 years ago
Mike Buhmann completedPack vegan snack and meals and other actions.
4 years ago