Spring Clean & Plant Green
Mark Burkholder completedLine dry a load of laundry and other actions.
2 years ago
Vivian Dombrowski completedUse washable kitchen towels over paper ones! and other actions.
2 years ago
Zachary Schiavo completedUse Pesticides and herbicides free lawn care products and other actions.
2 years ago
Wendy Roberts completedTurn off the water while you wash dishes and other actions.
2 years ago
Leonardo Tedeschi completedLine dry a load of laundry and other actions.
2 years ago
Jeroen Glas completedWash jeans less often and other actions.
2 years ago
Adrian Vega completedTurn off the water while you wash dishes and other actions.
2 years ago
Jenna Lavery completedTurn off the water while you wash dishes and other actions.
2 years ago
Meghan Gallagher completedWash Full Loads and other actions.
2 years ago
David Stueland completedUse Laundry bag or Laundry ball and other actions.
2 years ago