Handprinter is a project of NewEarth B, which is a for-benefit corporation, with a mission of providing positive environmental and social impacts. The two current projects of NewEarth B are Handprinter and the Social Hotspots Database.
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Christian Eckelhofer completedShop your local pet supply action.
a year ago
David Stueland completedGive Experiential Gifts and other actions.
a year ago
Mike Buhmann completedUse a Smart Power Bar and other actions.
a year ago
Corinna Ghilardi completedPump up tires and other actions.
a year ago
Benedito Augusto Correa Pitterri completedRecycle paper and cardboard and other actions.
a year ago
Inicialmente adquiri um calibrador de pressão digital da tramontina e um compressor automotivo para calibração dos pneus
Nick Zylstra completedSend an e-card and other actions.
a year ago
Erin Binks completedSend an e-card and other actions.
a year ago
Peter Hart completedSetback thermostat 1 degree at night and other actions.
a year ago
Heather Rothas completedShop your local pet supply and other actions.
a year ago
Heather Harkins completedShop your local pet supply and other actions.
a year ago