Handprinter is a project of NewEarth B, which is a for-benefit corporation, with a mission of providing positive environmental and social impacts. The two current projects of NewEarth B are Handprinter and the Social Hotspots Database.
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Peter Hart completedSay no disposable items and other actions.
8 months ago
Austin Lear completedSay no disposable items action.
8 months ago
Toronto recently enacted a bylaw that requires restaurants to ask if you need cutlery or other disposables. I like the idea of an opt-in system like this!
Erin Binks completedPrint double-sided at work and other actions.
8 months ago
Emilie Dube-Gregoire completedSetback thermostat 1 degree at night and other actions.
8 months ago
Boris Szerszen completedTake the Plastic Pollution Quiz action.
8 months ago
I am aware of how harmful plasticity is. Out of 10 questions I only answered 4 correctly. I learned a lot and was sad in some of the answers about the fact that people continue to consume plastic in these quantities.
Boris Szerszen completedRecycle glass action.
8 months ago
Fariza Afshin Rasna completedTake the Plastic Pollution Quiz action.
8 months ago
Got a 6/10. Learned a lot though
Fariza Afshin Rasna completedDrive 60 mph instead of 70 mph on highway action.
8 months ago
Fariza Afshin Rasna completedSkip the elevator and take the stairs! action.
8 months ago
Getting a little exercise in plus saving the environment? I'm in!
Valerie Goulet completedUse reusable shopping bags instead of paper and other actions.
8 months ago