Handprinter is a project of NewEarth B, which is a for-benefit corporation, with a mission of providing positive environmental and social impacts. The two current projects of NewEarth B are Handprinter and the Social Hotspots Database.
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Alejandro completedSkip the elevator and take the stairs! action.
4 years ago
Heather Harkins completedBike/walk to the gym action.
4 years ago
Stephanie Richardson completedGo Plogging action.
4 years ago
leel completedEat Me First Box and other actions.
4 years ago
Jane Caroline Burt completedBike/walk to the gym and other actions.
4 years ago
Benedito Augusto Corrêa Pitterri completedPlay with your cat rather than watch TV and other actions.
4 years ago
Stephanie Richardson completedBike to your destination (rather than drive) action.
4 years ago
Heather Harkins completedSkip the elevator and take the stairs! action.
4 years ago
Roman Tsegelskyi completedWalk your dog rather than stream Netflix action.
4 years ago
Susanna Salwén completedBike or walk to grocery store rather than drive and other actions.
4 years ago