Fall Back Into Sustainability
Stephanie Richardson completedLine dry a load of laundry and other actions.
4 years ago
Stephanie Richardson completedLeave the Leaves action.
4 years ago
Víctor Castrillo Arenas completedLearn more about the importance of spaying/neutering your pet and other actions.
4 years ago
Yeisson Londono completedKeep Cozy! and other actions.
4 years ago
Jane Abernethy completedBYOM! (Bring Your Own Mug) action.
4 years ago
Ian Coddington completedGo tech-free for an hour and other actions.
4 years ago
Stephanie Richardson completedLeave the Leaves and other actions.
4 years ago
Wendy Roberts completedReuse plastic bags and other actions.
4 years ago
Johan Charry Cardenas | completedBike or walk to grocery store rather than drive and other actions.
4 years ago
Jelena Vermezovic completedGrow herbs or vegetables in a window box and other actions.
4 years ago